About Anthony O’Farrell

I am a data scientist/practitioner/analyst/smith/junkie/dude/nerd/roseByAnyOtherName (delete as appropriate).

DSCF0450The term “data science” is in vogue and the best description of data science that I know is this Venn diagram from Drew Conway. In my career I am constantly aiming for the center of that chart. This blog is intended to serve as a portfolio with snippets of my work – an extended résumé if you will. I like solving real world problems so my posts will often have a “So what?” theme to provide some context.

I hail from Cork, Ireland, but now I live in Washington DC. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from UCC in 2003 and tagged on an MSc in environmental engineering from TCD in 2007. I worked as an engineer for 6 years in the municipal drainage industry in Ireland but also enjoyed a 6 month stint in Brisbane, Australia.

In 2010, shortly after achieving chartered engineer status (CEng, equivalent to PE in America), I changed course and went back to school to study an MSc in business analytics in Ireland’s top business school. I worked as a data analytics consultant in Ireland for 2 years gaining experience in the tax, insurance, cellphone, banking and airline industries. Since 2013 I have been living and working in the Washington DC area where I have worked as a data analyst in the energy industry and (surprise, surprise) as a contractor for the federal government.

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